Imagem de capa de R. Souza
R. Souza

R. Souza

Cidade/EstadoItapira / SP

Train To Pardise

Composição: Rodrigo Souza.
TRAIN TO PARADISE Rodrigo Souza Chorus 1 A train leaves to Paradise More empty than should be A train leaves to paradise But people don’t wanna go The ticket is already paid But people insist to go other place Chorus 2 A train leaves to Paradise Full off empty spaces A train leaves to paradise Few believers are already OK An innocent paid the price But people still waiting for next ride Chorus 3 The train still waiting The leaves is announced during centuries The train still waiting For no one left behind But the station seems to be full of spirits that don’t wanna hear Chorus 4 The train is full of space Passengers are worry with baggage The train is full of space It's necessary to fill hearts and empty case The ticket, all spotted by blood Is thrown away, ignoring who paid a high coast




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