Imagem de capa de Arizona Kings
Arizona Kings

Arizona Kings

Cidade/EstadoUberaba / MG


Composição: Boris Crema, Leonardo Saad.
When we start to fight Who would be too kind? Not gonna lie When two stars dont fit On the same timeline Almost see the way it goes Printed on your face How to make them fool Printed on your face And you didnt look Printed on your face Not gonna lie Gonna amplify You are on my mind If the sky could fall would the stars be light? Like a bodyguard Then go follow and swallow the end of time the win is mine To get older, the soldier Must shover the blinds Through the Devils eyes Theres a big pic glowing The fight is flowing Just to see the way it goes Printed on your face How to make them fool Printed on your face And you didnt look Printed on your face Not gonna lie Gonna amplify You are on my mind If the sky could fall would the stars be light? Like a bodyguard Then go follow and swallow the end of time the win is mine




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