Imagem de capa de Fabby


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP


Composição: Fabby.
Revelations - Fabby Everything that is made is discovered everything in the world Good things Bad things Everything is discovered Revelations Revelations... Revelations... Revelations... Revelations... Revelations, revelations, revelations... Everything that is made is discovered God revelations Bad revelations Atomic bomb X-ray The laser Chemical elements The chemist, the chemist, the chemist Clock is ticking Mystery reveals Distance, free in the hills Souls Faster, faster, giant Good revelations Bad revelations Clock Telephone Radio waves The airplane Honor, justice, freedom in the hills Languages Lost Cities People found Sounds Planets Sounds Innovations Sodom and Gomorrah Discoveries Time travel Worm tunnel Touch on guard Fire Touch on guard In the sky Penicillin Elements Clock Telephone Electricity Eletric lamp Radio waves Plane Radioactivity Gunpowder Theory of relativity Magnetic compass Mathematics Languages Innovations Unusual discoveries DNA X and Y chromosomes Cells Particles accelerator Time travel Volitating Worm tunnel Quantum leap Quantum physics Parallel dimensions Dimensional systems Interdimensional systems Laws of Thought laws of electromagnetism Thermodynamics Evolution theory Genetics Whirlwind of ideas, emotions Telescope Orbit of planets Cosmos Solar wind Nebulae Supernova Constellations Planets UFOs hover in the sky OSNIS live in the deep crevices of the ocean Gravity law Comet orbit Pyramids Trip to the moon Dark side of the Moon Stonehenge Witches Fairies Elves Angels Gnomes Vampires Bigfoot Yate Giant Octopus Kraken Lake Ness Monster Bermuda Triangle Magnetism Magnetic levitation Nuclear energy Eletric lamp Radio Telephone Cell phone Television Computer Internet Virtual reality Renewable energy sources Subtle bodies Perispirit Ozone layer Global warming Melting glaciers Law of Return Triple law Microcosmos into Macrocosmos Cloning Copies of people Carl Jung's Archetypes Copies of cities and countries Dimensions Multidimensional System Underworld The inverted world Setealem parallel universes Metaverse Multiverse Pole reversal Planetary transition, planet earth will move from third to fifth dimension, from trials and atonements to regeneration Akashic Records information from past lives, present life, parallel lives and future lives, the living memory of our existence 4.6 billion years BC The Solar System would have emerged from a cloud of interstellar gases and dust. A process of gravitational collapse of this cloud would have formed the Sun. Part of this cloud, however, would not have joined it, which would have given rise to the embryos of today's planets. Big Bang theory says that the universe originated from the explosion of a single particle, which would be the primordial atom, the age of Planet Earth is 4.567 billion years. The Earth formed from a large explosion that occurred on the Sun about 4.5 billion years ago, with the solar detonation thousands of rocks were scattered through space, some of these rocks were attracted by the gravitational force of the Sun and began to rotate in around the star, one of them gave rise to planet Earth, the debris from this explosion began to unite due to gravity, forming the sun, organic molecules composed of carbon aggregated and gave rise to the ingredients that were essential for the development of life on Earth. Planet Earth. 250 million years to 66 million years BC Jurassic period, dinosaurs 100,000, 15,000, 10,000 years B.C. Ice Age, North Pole, South Pole, Europe, North America, South America, mammoths, mastodons, woolly rhinos and saber-toothed tigers became extinct 66 million years BC Extinction of the Dinosaurs occurred due to the fall of a meteorite from 6 to 14 km that hit the planet Earth, in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, the impact opened a crater of 180 km, and two secondary ones with 240 and 300 km in diameter, the impact was so intense that it resulted in forest fires, acid rain, shock waves, volcanic eruptions, among other climatic phenomena such as a total eclipse of the sun, devastating dinosaurs and several other species of animals and plants. Theory of Evolution of Species, Human evolution, Caveman, cave paintings The first Hominids that appeared were the Pre-australopithecines, which was the first group after the separation of the group of primate mammals 7 million years BC Autralopiths lived 4.2 to 3.8 million years BC Homo habilis lived 2.3 to 1.6 million years BC Homo erectus lived from 1.9 to 150,000 years BC Homo neanderthalensis lived 200,000 to 30,000 years BC Homo sapiens live from 200,000 BC to the present day Civilizations and Peoples 9,600 BC Atlantis, Greece, Greek mythology, the legendary island or continent mentioned by Plato, was a naval power that after a failed attempt to invade Athens, sank into the ocean in a single day and night 7,600 years B.C. The Flood 7,000 years BC Mesopotamian civilization, between the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Syria, Iraq, emergence of agriculture, literature, writing, code of Hammurabi, considered the elements of nature and astronomical elements as deities and created the lunar calendar. 6,500 years BC Anunnakis, Planet Nibiru, Nephilim, Enki, Enlil, Gilgamesh, the Anunnakis "offspring of royalty" or "offspring of the prince" are a group of extraterrestrials who possess advanced powers and technology, came to the planet passed knowledge to humans and returned to the Planet Nibiru, are Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian deities mentioned in the writings of the Sumerians and in the books The Exiles of Capella, The Lost Book of EnKi, The Book of Enoch, The Genesis. 5,500 BC Capelines, The Exiles of Capella, Planeta Capella, The Fall of the Angels 5000, 3600 BC Sumerians, Mesopotamia, Iraq, Kuwait, Tigris and Euphrates rivers, clay tablets, cuneiform writing 4000 BC Ubaids, Mesopotamia, Uruk, Iraq 3,500 BC Egyptians, Egypt, Nile river, Pyramids of Giza, Sphinx, Karnak Temple, hieroglyphs, Luxor, Valley of the Kings Tombs, Scrolls, Riddles 3300 B.C. Elamites, Protoelamite Civilization, Nile Valley, Khuzestan, Elam, Iran 3000, 2000, 1500 B.C. Cretan Civilization, Minoans, Greece, Crete, Aegean Sea, Polytheists, Mother Goddess, King Minos 3000 BC to 1500 AD Incas, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador in the Andes Mountains, were Amerindian peoples, pre-Columbian, originating in the region of Cusco, Peru, their empire was very important, they had a society divided into hierarchical classes 3,000 years BC Druids, United Kingdom, Ireland and some regions of Spain and France, people of Indo-European origin who inhabited extensive areas of pre-Roman Europe, were priests of the legendary Celtic people, strands of paganism, druidism is a spiritual path pagan in nature, every druid is a pagan 2,500 years BC Greeks, Greece, Sphinx of Thebes, Oedipus won the riddle of the sphinx decipher me or I devour you and became King 2,334 years BC Akkadians or Akkadians, Iraq, were people of Semitic origin who defeated the Sumerians, the Akkadian Empire lasted 200 years 2154 BC Gutians, Gutium, Zagros Mountains, Iran, Iraq 2150 to 2000 BC Neo-Sumerian Period, Temples Ziggurats, Tower of Babel 2000 years B.C. Sodom and Gomorrah, Jordan, Tell el-Hammam, Jordan Valley, cities that were destroyed by an earthquake, located by the Dead Sea Achaeans or Danaos, Greece, Mycenae, Tiryns, Argos, Peloponnese, trade, architecture, infrastructure, engineering 2000 to 1900 BC Aeolians, Greece, Lesbos, Tenedos, Asia Minor 2,000 BC to 1,500 AD Mayans, were a pre-Columbian people who inhabited the region of present-day Mesoamerica Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, one of the most sophisticated pre-Columbian civilizations 1792 to 1750 BC Babylonian, Hammurabi's code of laws of the Babylonian Empire 1600 to 1200 BC Mycenaean civilization, Mycenaeans, Greece, Mycenae near Athens 1580 to 1530 BC Kushites, Sudan, Nile River, gold, incense 1300 to 612 BC Assyrians, Assyrian Empire, Assyria, Assur, Asia, Middle East 1,250 years BC Greeks, Greece, Greek poet Homer, Iliad, the Trojan Prince Paris kidnapped the wife Helena of the Spartan King Menelaus taking her to Troy starting the war between Greeks and Trojans who presented us with the Trojan Horse, Troy Historic site is located on the Anatolian peninsula of Turkey, southwest of Mount Ida. 1200 BC Dorians, Greece, Attica, Peloponnese, Crete 1,100 BC Ionians or Ionians, Greece, assisted in the formation of Greek culture, science, philosophy and art 600 BC to 600 AD Celts, Iberian Peninsula, Central Europe, British Isles to Asia Minor, Turkey 612 to 539 BC Caudeus, Chaldea, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Chaldean Empire, King Nebuchadnezzar 600, 500, 499, 449 BC Spartans or Spartans, Sparta, Lacedaemon or Lacedaemon, Peloponnese peninsula, Laconia, Greece, King Menelaus 332 BC Alexandria, Greece, Ptolemies, Library of Alexandria, Lighthouse of Alexandria, Alexander the Great Alexander the Great Alexander III of Macedon 500 AD Rap Nui, Chile, Easter Island, Polynesians, Moai 793 AD to 1066 AD Vikings, Norse warriors who inhabited Scandinavia 1300 to 1521 AD Aztecs, Mexico, Guatemala, USA, were originally a semi-nomadic people who lived in North America, in Aztlan, in present-day California in search of more fertile lands, they arrived at Lake Texcoco, in the Valley of Mexico, during the 12th century Ancient World and the Seven Wonders Great Pyramid of Giza, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Temple of Artemis, Statue of Zeus, Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse of Alexandria, Hanging Gardens of Babylon Modern world the seven wonders Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Chichén Itzá,Coliseum, Ruins of Petra, Jordan, Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China Ancient world the seven wonders Modern world the seven wonders




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