Imagem de capa de Fenrir's Scar
Fenrir's Scar

Fenrir's Scar

Cidade/EstadoCampinas / SP


Composição: Fenrir's Scar (André Baida & Desireé Rezende).
I'd seek you even in the deepest maelstrom of the blackest tempest of the darkest night My father and creator, Stand up and face immortality See through the shadows I came from How could you be so naive Your daffodil is lost now you grieve Tell me Who is the child now This is thy debt and now you retrieve Your lyric Caliban on my abnormality You'll hear me now This is how I bled You'll see me now The child you reject I'm a character of no pleasant façade I am modernity personified, the defiance of God We are men of iron and mechanization Thy only and one abomination How could you be so naïve Your daffodil is lost now you grieve Tell me Who is the child now Frankenstein This is thy debt and now you retrieve Your lyric Caliban on my abnormality You'll hear me now This is how I bled You'll see me now The child you reject How could you be so naïve Your daffodil is lost now you grieve Tell me Who is the child now This is thy debt and now you retrieve Your lyric Caliban on my abnormality Your first born has returned, father Did you think I wouldn't find you Did you think I was dead? That I could possibly ever die You know better than that Who's your child now You've ran from me once And you shall never do it again We are the Janus mask Thy inseparable kin You'll hear me know You'll hear me




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