Ise Nigga

Ise Nigga

Cidade/EstadoRio de Janeiro / RJ


Composição: Ise Rodrigues (Ismael Rodrigues).
nigga the show old low for enemy i found the club should nigga this all for me sugar no roll nigga the flow and all homie i just clove low take reality i wish a home full of the cordiroy fish so hold end no blow shake the close and all for me take the carabine i found the all for me and just reality i know the flow and need the step no roll wrong pound the first fell in the work own i wich a homie i am nigga the panic of globe i found they same in the hurt me i wish take in the haste take in cut me i wish in high a signed girl cold the life for the homie blue folk should know input the cry a nigga the going in i feel the flow in me i shake with a lady of my world over they cut me i sound of reggae with rap power the roll i need some magazine on my nigga control by step for me come dollar i am the fly rumble in the voice jazz dead nigga the wrong, why hey nigga dont fuck a beat devil from the groove a nigga dont on four step awake and look for the groove and we say hell and broke they one day high i wish know there we share fuck the flow the groove and take try no acesses son nigga dont put above the rock hey nigga the boom power a new attack of my cool talk just over nigga domenic and fuck they everday and donkeys so trap me hold and close and krap me here old know so sucess this rap know t-dress d-bone for my nigga wonder jazz nigga the joints with me half say to going in a vogue no boss and baby for in me joints and work me here why why nigga the soul so ho shit my nigga the goal flow my name dont are calabar see and i wanna crank me run show my nigga in the chose nigga on the trap me here from the glove me technic oh soul know dig no trap me sound club homie win the c-walk homie homie jazz in golf fuck the globe, my gangasta show my key knock soul flow family you turn me on nigga on the flow mama you shake on the has dont afraid the gun a great flow in me keep going flowing mistake the way can i roll man i awake growing attack the one day blowing high pain dont fuck, i gonna in home cry but i stop for the gangstars input the grow enough dont fade this run you know show me how i middle lost tape hell soul law home for crip how the early no why when they sound for look dont i learning be dont fly a nigga the low flow and i gotta to take me high




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