Imagem de capa de Netto


Cidade/EstadoItabuna / BA

Shot Me (Ray Gun) (DEMO)

Composição: Netto.
First of all I had to run, That my hand almost touched the sun, All in your life is just begun, just begun... All my lines had be a pun, The age I felt love was fun, All in your life is just begun, just begun... SHOT ME WITH YOUR RAY GUN RAY GUN RAY GUN RAY GUN SHOT ME WITH YOUR RAY GUN RAY GUN RAY GUN RAY GUN You were afraid of losing space, Say you're going to shoot me again, All in your life is just begun, just begun... Well, fighting this is a momentary battle... That's what they told me, but I still can't internalize it in my mind, it's like the sperm when it meets the egg... These are steps... But I feel like you shot me and there is no turning back. Oh teenagers, this is just the beginning... If I could give you some advice it would be: Don't fall in love!




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