Imagem de capa de OLD FOES




Composição: Kyle Rigsby.
In the fantasy, life is but a dream, where you’re free to go, but you’ll never leave. You stuck inside your head, just like quarantine. Eyes like vacant lights of our loading screens. So don’t bother with, how it’s done or said. You can beam it all right into your head. Dream, while I sing this lullaby. About promised satisfaction and other lies. Feast your eyes upon the prize. Life in advertisement, so divine. Saturated so blinded and content. Never lived, no reason to repent. Life locked down like all of the captives. Childlike life, docile, and distorted. Through a filter, dreams of never growing old. Your right to risk has been bought and sold. Dream, while I sing this lullaby. About promised satisfaction and other lies. Feast your eyes upon the prize. Life in advertisement, so divine. Don’t walk me now damned reality. Outside a fool, here I am king. I would kill the world, just to have it all. So you can keep your daily bread while I make nations in my head. Empire rises as the body falls. So leave me here to rot, leave me to my brain, Because what you don’t see, I could not explain. And tell me father why! Why do people dream? Just to wake ourselves to this chilling scene. Dream, while I sing this lullaby. About promised satisfaction and other lies. Feast your eyes upon the prize. Life in advertisement, so divine.




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