Imagem de capa de Perc3ption


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Damned Destination

Composição: Perc3ption.
There´s a middle in every path There are stones middle the way There are flowers around the stones Where there are words carved in that say: Every vision bring remembrances Of a path followed by shadows There´s a dead man in every mirror Wandering in emptiness, wandering in darkness Phantoms of my own I see The more you fear, more it will be clear Time is a killer of preys that can´t run Ropes of mistakes binds you to disgraces No hell nor heavens nothing but sadness Numbed by pain, it´s time for the end The end is beginning everytime You´ve being born, you've being live I created you, you created me I'm a part of you, you´re a part of me I'm the world I see and the world is me I know what I see, what I see is me Let the tears corrode me Let the fears torment me For all the demons that live inside Damned Destination Let the madness deform me Let the sadness bury me With all the fears I feel inside Damned Destination Vain philosophies rule the world There´s lies inside each truth There´s death around every life Wandering in madness in your fallen world Watching the sunset burning in flames Hiding your shadows crying in pain The birth is a sin and truths hide lies Hallowed be my shame for hiding my crimes




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