Imagem de capa de Pierre Simões
Pierre Simões

Pierre Simões

Cidade/EstadoBrasília / DF

Route 50

Composição: Pierre Simões.
I'm sitting on the freeway next to my iron baby Robbie. I see miles and miles ahead, a vast expanse of asphalt, dirt and air. I have the company of a goddess chirping in the sky, flying at sunset. My heart is screaming for a love that is gone, My body wound and my soul is in unbearable pain. Well, I'm alone on the loneliest road. See, I cannot think of giving up. I have to be cautious and very safe. To Stock up on provisions and groceries. Removing hatreds and resentments God, tell me how can I understand your sacred designs? Why do you leave scoundrels and murderers acting on earth? Why do you lead the purest souls? The most remarkable minds? Even more the lovely smiles? Tell me, God! From the deep of my soul and my heart, why do you allow war? Why do you let your children starve to death in your home? Why do you allow fanatics to kill on your behalf? Why do you allow bloodthirsty dictators to stay alive? They made a covenant with whom must not be name, Tell me! Why? You abandoned us! For the demons and worms! Tell me! Why? You abandoned us! For the killers! For the wicked! For the rapists! For the corrupt liars! Why? I'm running at night on the freeway, under Robbie's lighthouse, having as companions the waning moon, the faraway stars and the vastness of nature. I try to leave behind all that I lived, and for her my despaired tears of longing and hopelessness. However, as the night falls gloomy on my shoulders, I am sure that a beautiful new day will be born and life will follow its own path. Gently I say, life goes on, in many ways




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