Pregnant Felix

Pregnant Felix

Cidade/EstadoRio de Janeiro / RJ

Pregnant Felix

Composição: Denis Kandle.
I've been thinkin’ about goin’ Goin’ to Mars this afternoon But I really don't know yet If I'll be able to afford this trip I'd really like to travel to Saturn But this is only for the wealthy bastards, you know So, what's the deal about giant rings? I'd rather skate on Mars’ hills I've been thinkin’ about havin’ Havin’ a baby with my son But we haven't decided yet Which of us will be the child's mother? My daughter loves those orgasm pill candies I told her not to swallow many of them at once She could flow in her little toy car But she's not into these ordinary things I had this six hundred years old friend Well, last week he died in a rocket crash But I found out some doctors froze his brain Soon he'll be back in a pre-fabricated body Diet ganja makes me have a terrible headache I'd rather smell stone vapors for my spiritual strength Oh God, our science is still so primitive They still can't bring dinosaurs to life




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