Imagem de capa de Scars From The Last Fight
Scars From The Last Fight
Cidade/EstadoCaraguatatuba / SP

Moth-Eaten [Album 2015]

Composição: Scars From The Last Fight.
I know I will with the qadesh, weeping wounds unhealed Caused by humanity, dude personality Tired of the same political speech I want to regress Only to drink water without chlorine Only to make bed of leaves on the trees The art of the past is better than The present, inconsequential mind The art of the past is better Than the present, pretentious mind Wings reflected in an endless row Of mirrors planted an the sand My mythology needs to be rebuilt Create roots for my generations Tired of being left or right I want to regress Or do I need come back for the apes Tired to believe in an end for the misery The art of the past is better Than the present, inconsequential mind The art of the past is better Than the present, pretentious mind The art of the past is better Than the present, inconsequential mind The art of the past is better Than the present, pretentious mind I want to regress Only to drink water without chlorine Only to make bed of leaves on the trees The art of the past is better Than the present, inconsequential mind The art of the past is better Than the present, pretentious mind




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