Imagem de capa de Scars From The Last Fight
Scars From The Last Fight
Cidade/EstadoCaraguatatuba / SP

Sons Of Midas (Single 2014)

Composição: Diego Camargo, Anderson Emidio, Matheus Lorenzetti, Emerson Oliveira, Gabriel Hatoun.
Decapitated bodies, and believe to be right Collecting trivial things, consumed by the wealth Destroy for-profit Forget the consequences If it's over At the end I'm rich And now? What you gonna do? And now? What you want? And now? Do you have any choice? But now! You fuck off everyone Propensity to war if they seek self-interest Quenching human values, where is the solidarity Amorality Undemocratic If it's over At the end I'm rich And now? What you gonna do? And now? What you want? And now? Do you have any choice? But now! You fuck off everyone Amorality Undemocratic If it's over At the end I'm rich And now? What you gonna do? And now? What you want? And now? Do you have any choice? But now! You fuck off everyone You fuck off everyone, everyone Right now!




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