Imagem de capa de Scars From The Last Fight
Scars From The Last Fight
Cidade/EstadoCaraguatatuba / SP

T I M E L E S S [2018]

Composição: Diego Camargo, Gustavo Souza, Douglas Lima, Matheus Tyerre, Gabriel Hatoun.
Struggling to fight the system What is the price of this evening? The price of the human being Of hunger, of sorrows Work to survive Get in line to pay with your time The poor spend years in minutes Only to have to live! They have to ask for alms While you wasting your wealth This is waste of my time If the neglect remains evident They have to ask for alms While you wasting your wealth This is waste of my time While poors suffers and die Hasta cuando los ricos se volver más ricos Hasta cuando los pobres quedarán más pobres Hasta cuando verás la lucha por la dignidad Cuándo verás cómo los cerdos nos controlan Engage the mind in your hunch Recognize that your light will always guide you Win all the battles of the way Never lose the way of who you are From your struggles of your victories And their defeats, because they make you grow This is waste of my time If the neglect remains evident They have to ask for alms While you wasting your wealth




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