Imagem de capa de Three Voices
Three Voices

Three Voices

Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

When It All Goes Back To Normal

Composição: Lucas Nepomuceno da Costa, Marcos Gabriel Nepomuceno da Costa, Fellipe Nepomuceno da Costa.
When it all goes back to normal People walking the city again When it all goes back to normal Families going to church again When it all goes back to normal Kids playing In the park again When it all goes back to normal No social distancing again It is time to understand Appreciate the simple things It will go back to normal I believe In tomorrow Oh Oh Oh Oh Because He Is alive I believe In tomorrow I believe In Jesus I believe In the Cross Because He Is alive I believe In tomorrow I believe In Jesus I believe In the Cross It is time to understand Appreciate the simple things It will go back to normal I believe In tomorrow Because He Is alive I believe In tomorrow I believe In Jesus I believe In the Cross Because He Is alive I believe In tomorrow I believe In Jesus I believe In the Cross Oh Oh Oh Oh




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