Undermine Enemies

Undermine Enemies

Cidade/EstadoGravataí / RS

Trophies And Failures

Composição: Douglas Fortunato/Mariana Lucchese.
i can't see me right not even entirely i'm so precise and complex that i can't unite the trophies to the failures i'm a little almost nothing impredictable half pleasant almost fool a lot apprentice fake hero bad actor i am so much me without poetry i can't see me right not even entirely i'm so precise and complex that i can't unite the trophies to the failures i'm an interrogation point an idea without foundation the undecipherable ways of the destiny the wrong side of the wrong way a mixed-up fault-finder fuel of alucination i'm so little almost nothing less i see, much i know i'm flexible, adjustable somewhat pleasant i'm the tear and the smille i'm the past from what i didn't live i can't see me right not even entirely i'm so precise and complex that i can't unite the trophies to the failures i'm a Lier pretending to live and despite all the improvised scenes i'm the most watched movie




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