Imagem de capa de A. G. P. - Anonymous Guitar Project
A. G. P. - Anonymous Guitar Project
Cidade/EstadoVolta Redonda / RJ


OuvintesPedro Cs e outros 187 ouvintes
Pedro CsPedro CsPedro CsPedro CsPedro Cs
Fã-clubePedro Cs e outros 14 fãs
Pedro CsPedro CsPedro CsPedro CsPedro Cs


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Instrumental music is an universal language for expression.
More than words, pure sound can express everything.
To remain anonymous is a way to fight against the ego.
And the music don't belong to one person, but to everybody.
A.G.P. is about this. Express yourself with no names and no ego.
Not for one, but for all.
No judgment. Just sit, relax and listen.

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A. G. P. - Anonymous Guitar Project