Imagem de capa de Arkana Fen
Arkana Fen

Arkana Fen

Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Six Of Swords

Composição: Kamphuis, Ravelo, Aguilar.
I made my bed from glass and poor judgment Each shard a token of my grief You wouldn’t believe my tales What could I do but run for the mountains? Confined I’ll be restored anew Remembering who I am Haunt me not my dear memories I can’t bear living in this fear Hold me near I’m yours I’m yours Flee The ghosts won’t find me here I’ll flee Lose the bodies in the sea Flee Escape into the black trees Oh please Forgive the worst of me By firelight I farewelled my demons In the shroud of night vowed to change my fate To make my escape somehow Cruel whispers carry across open waters Reminding me I might want to forget But they’ll never let me go Haunt me not my dear memories I can’t bear living in this fear Hold me near I’m yours I’m yours Flee The ghosts won’t find me here I’ll flee Lose the bodies in the sea Flee Escape into the black trees Oh please Forgive the worst of me




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